Sunday, January 10, 2010

Labels Lead to Bullying

A bully is someone who badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.

Bullying is something that is very common in all schools, high schools, middle schools, and even elementary schools. Bullying happens everyday all the time. Whether it is physical, mental, or emotional, bullying is something that hurts people no matter what. People bully to get attention, to gain respect and to become more popular. I believe that some of this happens only because of labels. If there weren't labels in schools then bullies wouldn't have classified smaller or weaker people to bully on.

Because of labels there is almost like a food chain in high schools. People on the top, in the middle and at the bottom. And the ones in the middle and at the bottom are the ones that get the hurt and pain from the top bullies.


  1. This is very true, more than people ever know. People including parents can be down right mean. I think everyone needs to step out of their own shoes and realize it's not all about them and get over it. It's really sad to hear news stories about people killing themselves because people wanted to play a joke. I don't think students in any school realize the toll it takes on someone when you bully another person. Everyone is a person and everyone has feelings. If we all just got along and accepted each other for who we are we wouldn't have these problems that don't need to occur.

  2. You are so right; people are mean to others because they see them as weaker. I have been bullied for many things such as helping someone else out who is being bullied. I then get asked by other people “why do you get involved in those kinds of situations, just let them, you don’t want to get involve because then you will be bullied as well” and I respond with, “what is right cannot be measured by strength”.
