Sunday, January 17, 2010

True Identity

Teens are stuck in a confusing stage in their lives. Teenagers are faced with the multi changing identity. Everyday they are surrounded by multiple different identities. Watching others and struggling to find their own identity, teens become overwhelmed with finding their identity. Teens get frustrated with looking for their own identity that they start to copy others in the things they do.

This video shows how teens change their minds on their identities all the time. Switching back and forth waiting to find the right one.

I believe that since teens have a hard time deciding their own identity, the teens with an identity try to influence others on their decisions. Walking through the halls at school, you see groups of friends. Groups of teens that have common interests. Teen groups that show one identity. You never really see groups of teens that are divided into different identities. Each teen from the group bringing forth their own traits. Seeing a group that has a prep, a goth, a nerd and an athlete. What kind of group are you in?

Ways you can tell someone is struggling with an identity can be found at this website:

It is for you to take the true challenge. Looking at your identity is it shaped by yourself or by the influence of others around you. Are you really being yourself or are you being someone, someone wants you to be??

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Labels Lead to Bullying

A bully is someone who badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.

Bullying is something that is very common in all schools, high schools, middle schools, and even elementary schools. Bullying happens everyday all the time. Whether it is physical, mental, or emotional, bullying is something that hurts people no matter what. People bully to get attention, to gain respect and to become more popular. I believe that some of this happens only because of labels. If there weren't labels in schools then bullies wouldn't have classified smaller or weaker people to bully on.

Because of labels there is almost like a food chain in high schools. People on the top, in the middle and at the bottom. And the ones in the middle and at the bottom are the ones that get the hurt and pain from the top bullies.